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HomeCalendarRunMyVillage User Talk - 12 PM PT / 1 PM MT / 2 PM CT / 3 PM ET

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RunMyVillage User Talk - 12 PM PT / 1 PM MT / 2 PM CT / 3 PM ET


Tuesday, July 18, 2023


VtV Webinars

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About this event

Villages often ask how to use, how can we do, and what’s the best way to implement RMV features.  To answer some of these questions, we set up another session of our “Giant Q+A’s”.  The July User Talk will have an entirely new list of questions (+ a few repeats where the question has been come up again) and, of course, questions from the attendees.  Once again, Geoffrey from CE/RMV will be on the spot…but expect answers and observations from Village participants.

We intend this session to address specific questions about RunMyVillage/ClubExpress’ features that we have heard in our communication with Villages (that is, this is a “deeper dive,” not a general overview of features).  The idea is to demo specific features that have been asked about, answer specific questions, and make suggestions about how (and why) to use RMV features.  We will specifically look at features that we found that some Villages don’t know are already available, so we’ve found that every participant learns something new and useful. Discussion at the Giant Q+A’s is always robust and informative.

This session will focus on improving the skills and answering questions of all RunMyVillage users who have questions and, also, will benefit from hearing the questions of others.  This is not a session for users seeking basic understanding of RMV.  Please invite anyone from your Village who you think might be interested in this Q+A.

Please register for the User Talk on the calendar on the VtV Website.

We have posted the latest set of questions on VtV RMV Forum and will update the list with any additional questions you send us at

If you have not yet signed up for the RMV Forum, please do so through (1) signing up through your Profile on the VtV site or (2) sending us an email.

These monthly talks are designed to help Villages use RunMyVillage more effectively.  Each month has a different topic.  The intended audience always includes the technology community within your Village; in addition, others in the Village may be invited based on the planned topic.  Each of the User Talks has time for Villages to ask RunMyVillage-related questions to RMV and to other Villages. Examples of what we plan for these talks: RMV new release updates and discussions, results of surveys of desired enhancements to RMV, discussion of best practices and common issues particularly where Villages use RMV is different ways, and orientations for new Villages.   If you have ideas for topics, email us at  Videos for all previous User Talk webinars are on the VtV website.